Best Tips for Enhancing Website Performance Optimization

Best Tips for Enhancing Website Performance Optimization0

The performance of your website is critical for your businesses with the visitors of your website with their limited time schedule wanting to access your website quite easily with the pages loading quickly.

Websites of organizations that are not fast enough in loading are in danger of losing their customers and getting bad publicity about their website. In addition, search engines like those that of Google takes into account your website speed for search engine ranking.

There is a necessity for improving or optimizing your website performance by adhering to the ten tips as mentioned below:

Optimizing HTML

HTML Optimization is necessary for avoiding slowdown of your website. Using simple structures in your HTML and remaining standardized, as browsers will able to parse website pages more effectively. Whitespace is necessary for good readability of your website as it also adds to the overall bytes of your page.

Reduction in HTTPS Requests

Reducing the number of HTTPS requests is another way of speeding up your website servers. Keeping up with CSS Files organized and JavaScript files combined as well will help in a faster website browsing by your clients or customers.

Image Optimization

Websites with larger images result in longer load times and as such, it is important to choose the right image size. Knowledge about different image formats and using them appropriately without taking longer load times will help in website optimization. Avoid using HTML scaling and instead resize the images directly.

Use Text Instead of Images

Using text instead of images as text is more effective for SEO and still better would be using text instead of images for headers on your website.

Using Content Delivery Network or CDN

Static content can be served effectively by using a content delivery network or CDN that includes images, multimedia and file downloads. CDN provides high availability and high performance of your website as their distributed nature helps the content being served up closer to the end-users.

Output caching

Website performance can be optimized by performing caching at both the server-side and client (browser) side with the former limits the number of queries one makes to the database and the latter helps in reducing the HTTP payload and requests.

Avoid Repeated Errors

Errors such as HTTP errors (“Page Not Found”) and other monitor server errors need to be avoided at all costs by working closely with your developers.

Choice of your infrastructure

Ensure that your hosting infrastructure is truly dedicated to your website and avoid using shared hosting when you are running a production-quality website.

Enabling GZIP Compression

You can decrease the size of your website page content by using or enabling GZIP compression as it results in faster transmission of the page content without requiring additional processing power on your client (browser) side.

Minimize Scripts and CSS

Those scripts that are not required should be avoided that includes removing white spaces, reducing duplicate entries, and removing unused codes with the help of free resources such as Clean CSS, JSCompress and YIU Compressor, etc.

Finally, it can be concluded that by adhering to these above-mentioned ten tips you can optimize your website performance in addition to identifying the root causes of your website performance issues.

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