A Bug like Robotics Systems Developed by Engineers’ to fix Airplane Engines


Rolls Royce – leading German MNCin aerospace engineering has found an innovative solution for fixing issues pertaining to airplane engines without opening up the whole engine. 

Along with the engineers from Harvard University and the University of Nottingham – the company has developed robotic systems that just the size of bugs.

These tiny robots are capable of crawling inside the plane’s engine to carry out essential diagnostics and repairs just like an endoscope. 

Once inside the plane’s engine, this robot can deliver a swarm of bug-like robots that are about 10 mm in diameter allowing the critters to crawl and inspect the hard to reach parts of the engine for damages or for any other problems.  

The development of these tiny robots is inspired by the crawling capabilities of snakes and insects.

This new technology of robotic systems is part of Rolls Royce Intelligent Engine Project that was exhibited at the Farnborough International Air Show. 

The company is also in the process of developing a number of miniature devices enabling their engineers to get inside the jet engine to perform inspections and repairs. 

For repairing airplane engines, this company is looking forward to work with an extensive network of partners for developing mechatronic probes that are similar to keyhole surgery techniques.

Rolls Royce is in the process presenting all of these developments in near future and in a separate statement, the company’s Senior Vice President of Marketing – Mr. Richard Goodhead stated that they are proud of these advancements that the company has been making in the field of robotics and this is just a proof of how they are bringing to life the Intelligent Engine vision into a reality.

He further quoted that by exploring how far they can use this rapid progress in the fields of digital and robotics, they are ensuring that Rolls-Royce continues to lead the way in service innovation by offering the best value to their customers.

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