

How to Calculate Break Even Point for Your Business

What is a Break Even Point?   Breakeven point can be defined as the business volume that balances the total costs with total gains. The basic idea for calculating breakeven point is to calculate the point at which revenues begin to exceed costs. For businesses it is important to determine whether or not your business is making […]

Best 5 Work-life Balance Tips for Employees

The term Work-life balance is defined to describe a person’s needs between the time allocated for work or job and other aspects of life. The other aspects of life other than work-life consist of personal interests, family and social/leisure activities. The term – “Work-life Balance is of recent origin using in 1970 and late 1980s in the United States and […]

Do Not Work Hard, But Smart

Do not work hard but smart is an age-old proverb, which lays stress in working smartly rather than through hard means within the given time. However, it’s very tough to find very clear guidelines on what working smart really means and how it is different from hard work. Many people work hard but only a few become really […]

Leadership – What’s it all About?

The success of an organization mainly depends on the knowledge, leadership capabilities and working style of its leaders, therefore working style matters the most. Businesses of this generation are facing new challenges and disruptive competition in addition to facing higher expectations from employees, shareholders and other stakeholders, therefore, it’s necessary for leaders of this generation […]

A Synopsis on the Aspects of Corporate Culture

A Synopsys on the Aspects of Corporate Culture

The term Corporate Culture can be defined as the way things work around in an organization. Corporate Culture also refers to the behaviors, beliefs determining how a company’s employees and management interact and handle outside business transactions. Success or failure of an organization duly rests on the expression of its corporate culture. The term corporate culture was developed in […]

Convincing Managers to Support Your Ideas

Managers in an organization are faced with increasingly complex and challenging situations in their everyday work profile. As such, managers are valuable contributors in meeting the key strategic objectives of their organizations. You as an employee or subordinate of your immediate manager or boss need to gain support from your manager for your ideas and projects.  It is a political challenge […]

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