
Digital Marketing

New 31 Updates in Digital in 2018

With the last few Showers marking the end of monsoon and still maintaining the cool air around us let us refresh on all the new things in Digital for September.  From Google Ads adding ‘Ad strength’ indicator,  Snapchat adding “Boomerang’ videos and calling it Bounce,’  Facebook Watch’ going global, to  Twitter bringing in ‘Bookmarks’ to […]

A-Z Marketing

A-Z Marketing

“Good Marketing makes the Company look Smart, Great Marketing makes the Customers feel Smart”. With this quote, we can say, Marketing has become one of the important and foremost functions the company or a business has to concentrate. Success is decided on how effectivelythe marketing is done. Let’s look at the latest trend. The latest […]

How to Optimize Website to Increase Its Digital Presence

How to Optimize Website to Increase Its Digital Presence

What is a Digital Presence? The digital presence or web presence is online activities and interactions that calculate the user assessment on the website. Web presence is the number of times how the potential customers and new users evaluate the business on the web. Whether the business is small or big, each enterprise needs to focus on the crucial web presence to grab consumer’s […]

Digital Marketing Trends To Watch for 2018 and Beyond

Digital Marketing Trends To Watch for 2018 and Beyond

Digital Marketing also known as ‘online marketing’, ‘internet marketing’, ‘web marketing’ in simple terms can be defined as the marketing or promotion of the products or services/brands using digital technologies across broadcast channels such as internet, digital devices such as mobile, communication gadgets, display advertising or any other digital medium. Digital Marketing – Its Historical […]

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