
How Big Data Analytics Influence and Affects Your Company Culture

How Big Data Analytics Influence and Affects Your Company Culture

Big Data Analytics in this age of digitalmarketing will affect your company culture irrespective of the fact whether your company builds software, provides marketing services or selling life sized posters of your hero.  Big Data Analytics is offering information and once the information has been learned it is changing the business culture. The Big Data is a […]

What is Branded Content and Its Impact on Consumers

What is Branded Content and Its Impact on Consumers

What do you Mean by Branded Content:  Branded content or branded entertainment is the practice of marketing through the creation of content produced by advertisers.  Branded content is usually designed to build awareness for a brand by associating it with the content that shares its values and may not necessarily need to be a promotion for the brand […]

Tips for Defeating Distractions to Win your Day

Distractions are designed to steal your attention and they are like hurdles that pull you away from your day to day activities either at work or at home. Therefore, it is important to defeat distractions by taking the necessary steps to reduce or completely eliminate distractions. Nevertheless, distractions can be classified or categorized under the […]

How Blockchain is Replacing Traditional Business Models

Innovative business models are changing the way of doing businesses as business models are based on science and practical experience. Blockchain technology can support business models in multiple ways such as by improving the workforce, increasing the productivity and assisting organizations to grow.  Traditional business models consist of several tiers leading to delay in project […]

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