

Tips for Stopping Technology Addiction

The recent evolution of technology has raised many ethical and psychological issues especially on the use of electronic gadgets like smartphones to which we have been addicted.  The negative impacts of technology on humans need to be understood so that, we are not manipulated or controlled by these smartphones.  The history of technological addiction is […]

4 Skills That A Graphic Designer Must Possess For Effective Digital Marketing

If you are an entrepreneur, then you must be aware of digital marketing by now. Today, online marketing is equally important as the offline marketing. Thus, digital marketers are known roping in graphic designers to create compelling graphical designs for the websites. Graphic designers have impressive business intelligence and know what goes well with the customers. They […]

4 Steps for Managing Your Video Content

The demand for video content has increased quite phenomenally with 43% of the people desirous of watching more videos from marketers.  Videos and animated content has become a significant part of digital marketing strategies with 51.9% of marketers claiming that video content has the best Return on Investment or ROI compared to other types of content.  In […]

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